
What is education technology for teaching and learning?

Education technology is the application of new tools and ideas that help teachers teach and students learn.

2 .What are the functions of education technology?

Education technology can automate processes, improve information access, enable sharing of knowledge and data, duplicate information between media forms, curate important knowledge, communicate ideas, visualize critical concepts, and more.
(To be fair, technology can also destroy, poison, obliterate, mislead, etc., but this is more a criticism of applied technology rather than the concept of technology itself.)

3. What are learning technologies in the classroom?

Learning technologies in the classroom are the tools, systems, and techniques that facilitate, enable, and promote learning.
This can happen in the form of a learning management system or platform like the Khan Academy that helps students practice new skills, a community-based ‘encyclopedia’ like Wikipedia that allows people to curate and share knowledge, interactive whiteboards that allows students to learn through guided practice with the teacher. Learning technology can be simple (like a calculator) or advanced (like virtual reality).